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IAASB Quarterly Board Meeting – December 10-14, 2007 (Washington DC, United States)

Dec 10 - 14, 2007
Additional notes: Meeting Room: Ballroom



Agenda Papers

Agenda Item 1 - IAASB September Public Session Minutes

Agenda Item 1-A - IAASB December Public Session Minutes

Agenda Item 2 - Control Deficiencies

Agenda Item 3 - Related Parties (ISA 550)

Agenda Item 4 - Comparatives

Agenda Item 5 - Subsequent Events (ISA 560)

Agenda Item 6 - Written Representations

Agenda Item 7 - Emissions

Agenda Item 8 - Service Organizations (ISA 402)

Agenda Item 9 - Analytical Procedures (ISA 520)

Agenda Item10 - Accounting Estimates (ISA 540)

Agenda Item11 - Working Group on Fair Value Auditing Guidance

Agenda Item12 - Audit Evidence (ISA 501)

Agenda Item13 - Service Organizations (ISAE 3402)

Agenda Item14 - Amendments to scope of ISREs 2400 and 2410

Updated Agenda

Agenda Item 2 - Control Deficiencies

Agenda Item 4 - Comparatives

Agenda Item 6 - Written Representations


FRIDAY AM 5 (121.39 MB)
Agenda Item 9 - Analytical Procedures (Run time: 25.36 minutes) Agenda Item 2 - Control Deficiencies (Run time: 1 hour, 03.00 minutes) Agenda Item 13 - Service Organization (ISA 3402) (Run time: 1 hour, 05.22 minutes) Agenda Item 5 - Subsequent Events (Run time: 40.47 minutes) Agenda Item 12 - Other Evidence (Run time: 45.07 minutes) Closing Comments by Stavros Thomadakis, PIOB Chairman (Run time: 10 minutes) Closing Comments (Run time: 6 minutes)
MONDAY AM 3 (88.33 MB)
Agenda Item 1 - Introduction and Minutes (Run time: 12.23 minutes) Agenda Item 6 - Representations (Run time: 2 hours, 54.9 minutes)
MONDAY PM 3 (104.94 MB)
Agenda Item 6 - Representations (Run time: 1 hour, 18.14 minutes) Agenda Item 4 - Comparatives (Run time: 2 hour, 26.05 minutes)
THURSDAY AM 5 (105.11 MB)
Agenda Item 3 - Related Parties (Run time: 2 hour, 36.32 minutes) Agenda Item 6 - Representations (Run time: 1 hour, 10.01 minutes)
Agenda Item 6 - Representations (Run time: 56.31 minutes) Agenda Item 4 - Comparatives (Run time: 50.30 minutes) Agenda Item 10 - Estimates (Run time: 16.40 minutes) Agenda Item 7 - GHG Emission (Run time: 59.40 minutes) Agenda Item 10 & 11 - Estimates (Run time: 34.00 minutes)
TUESDAY AM 4 (105.55 MB)
Agenda Item 9 - Analytical Procedures (Run time: 1 hour, 23.41 minutes) Agenda Item 13 - Service Organization (ISA 3402) (Run time: 2 hour, 23.06 minutes)
TUESDAY PM 4 (91.34 MB)
Agenda Item 13 - Service Organization (ISA 3402) (Run time: 1 hour, 16.47 minutes) Agenda Item 2 - Control Deficiencies (Run time: 2 hour, 00.22 minutes)
WEDNESDAY AM 2 0 (97.63 MB)
Agenda Item 5 - Subsequent Events (Run time: 1 hour, 19.32 minutes) Agenda Item 10 - Estimates (Run time: 1 hour, 49.11 minutes) Agenda Item 11 - Estimates (Run time: 21.36 minutes)
Agenda Item 2 - Control Deficiencies (Run time: 59.09 minutes) Agenda Item 5 - Subsequent Events (Run time: 2 hour, 1.03 minutes) (Due to recording malfunction, file missing 2 minutes at end of Agenda item 5)
WEDNESDAY PM 1 0 (54.64 MB)
Agenda Item 8 - Service Organization (ISA 402) (Run time: 23.59 minutes) Agenda Item 14 - ISRE 2400 (Run time: 18.69 minute) Agenda Item 12 - Other Evidence (Run time: 1 hour, 13.00 minutes)