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IESBA to Hold Interactive Webinars on the Proposed IESSA and Ethics Standards Relating to Sustainability Reporting and Using the Work of an External Expert

Feb 7, 2024 | New York, New York | English

The IESBA is holding interactive global webinars to present the key proposals in the Exposure Drafts on International Ethics Standards for Sustainability Assurance (including International Independence Standards) (IESSA) and Other Revisions to the Code Relating to Sustainability Assurance and Reporting and Using the Work of an External Expert.

The Exposure Draft on IESSA and ethics standards for sustainability reporting proposes a clear framework of expected behaviors and ethics provisions for use by all sustainability assurance practitioners, regardless of their professional backgrounds, as well as professional accountants involved in sustainability reporting. The goal of these standards is to mitigate greenwashing and elevate the quality of sustainability information, thereby fostering greater public and institutional trust in sustainability reporting and assurance.

The Exposure Draft on Using the Work of an External Expert proposes an ethical framework to guide professional accountants or sustainability assurance practitioners, as applicable, in evaluating whether an external expert has the necessary competence, capabilities, and objectivity in order to use that expert’s work for the intended purposes. The proposals also include provisions to aid in applying the Code’s conceptual framework when using the work of an external expert.

These proposed ethics (including independence) standards are especially relevant in a context where sustainability information is increasingly important for capital markets, consumers, corporations and their employees, governments and society at large, and when assurance providers outside of the accounting profession play a prominent role in sustainability assurance.

The webinars will provide useful information and valuable insight on the proposals in the Exposure Drafts for participants from all stakeholder groups, including regulators, preparers of sustainability information, sustainability assurance practitioners from all backgrounds, and investors.

The webinars will be held in English and available on YouTube following the session.

Webinar for the Using the Work of an External Expert Exposure Draft

Timing: February 22, 7:00 to 8:00 am EST


View the full Webinar


  • Laurie Endsley, IESBA Vice Chair and Using the Work of an External Expert Task Force Chair
  • Kam Leung, IESBA Principal

Webinars for the Sustainability Exposure Draft

Timing: February 27, 9:00 to 11:00 am EST

Registration link


Moderator: Geoff Kwan, IESBA Director

Timing: March 5, 8:00 to 10:00 pm EST

Registration link


Moderator:  Geoff Kwan, IESBA Director

About the IESBA

The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants® (IESBA®) is an independent global standard-setting board. The IESBA’s mission is to serve the public interest by setting ethics (including independence) standards as a cornerstone to ethical behavior in business and organizations, and to public trust in financial and non-financial information that is fundamental to the proper functioning and sustainability of organizations, financial markets and economies worldwide.

Along with the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), the IESBA is part of the International Foundation for Ethics and Audit (IFEA). The Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) oversees IESBA and IAASB activities and the public interest responsiveness of the standards.