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Embedding Sustainability into Initial Accountancy Training: Understanding the Proposed Changes to the International Education Standards

Date: May 21, 2024 | Time: - (UTC)


Join IFAC on May 21 to explore the recently proposed changes to the International Education Standards to embed sustainability across the training of aspiring professional accountants worldwide. With sessions offered at two convenient times to accommodate our global audience and livestreamed on IFAC’s Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube channels, this webinar will provide valuable insights into proposed changes for our member organizations and stakeholders.

Register now for either the May 21 09:00 UTC session or the May 21 16:00 UTC session to join IFAC’s Bruce Vivian and Michelle Cardwell in delving into how these changes will:

  • Emphasize working with experts and in multi-disciplinary teams;
  • Introduce key sustainability reporting concepts, such as systems thinking, value chains and scenario analysis;
  • Reference relevant sustainability reporting and assurance standards; and
  • Create a new assurance competence area and learning outcomes

Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead in understanding and adapting to the evolving sustainability landscape. Register now to secure your spot!

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