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Proposed Revisions to IES 6 - Initial Professional Development, Assessment of Professional Competence

| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:
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These changes to International Education Standard 6, Initial Professional Development - Assessment of Professional Competencehave been proposed to modernize the standard to align with current good practice and clarify previously-existing requirements. This includes introducing new principles emphasizing integrity, authenticity, equity, and inclusion. These changes will aid professional accountancy organizations, universities, and training programs in evaluating candidates’ readiness for the professional accountant role.

Using the Response Template below, please share your feedback by July 24, 2024.

Copyright © 2024 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1. Wai Man, HO (179.13 KB)
     (Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China)
  2.  (Pakistan)
  3.  (New Zealand)
  4.  (Chile)
  5. HKICPA (170.5 KB)
     (Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China)
  6.  (United Kingdom)
  7.  (International)
  8.  (Japan)
  9.  (Ireland)
  10.  (Latin America & Caribbean)
  11.  (International)
  12.  (Africa)
  13. ICAEW (114.54 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  14.  (Europe & Central Asia)
  15.  (United Kingdom)
  16.  (South Africa)
  17.  (Germany)
  18.  (United Kingdom)
  19.  (International)
  20.  (Zimbabwe)
  21. ACCA (668.62 KB)
  22.  (Singapore)
  23.  (Italy)
  24.  (International)