This month, the Changemaker series features two outstanding women—Adda Faye, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Chief Financial Officer, and Liang Yang, Deloitte China Technical Partner. With decades of experience, these two incredible leaders demonstrate how accounting education could lead to a diverse and fulfilling career.
In addition to their successful careers, both Adda and Liang are dedicated to strengthening public financial management globally and serve as volunteer members of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) Consultative Advisory Group and IPSASB, respectively.
Discover these amazing stories and learn from the experts on how to build a successful career while maintaining a work-life balance and making an impact on society and people’s lives.

Adda Faye
Adda Faye is the Chief Financial Officer at the Global Fund, where she leads the Finance and Administration Division and optimizes organizational resources to accelerate the Global Fund’s mission to end the AIDS, TB, and malaria. Ms. Faye has over 20 years of experience in strategic financial management and administrative functions in the international development and public sectors, including expertise in change management and business process optimization by leveraging technology to drive organizational change.
Liang Yang
Liang Yang is a technical partner at Deloitte China, with over 25 years of auditing and professional advisory experience with international accounting firms serving public and private sector entities in China and beyond. Ms. Yang served as a member of the Government Accounting Standards Board of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) of China from 2016 to 2019 and is a member of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises Advisory Committee of the MoF of China from 2016 to 2023.
There is an opportunity for women in the public sector finance and accounting to join the IPSASB Women’s Network. Please view the video from Lynn Pamment, Comptroller & Auditor General for Jersey, and request to join the network at