Barry Naik
Director, Forum of Firms
United States of America
Barry Naik (he/his) is the Director for the Forum of Firms (FoF) which currently comprising over 30 member Network firms is headquartered out of IFAC's New York office. At the FoF, Mr. Naik leads various initiatives in support of further advancing Audit Quality.
Mr. Naik started his career in legislative audit working for several years at the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of New Zealand followed by a secondment to the Office of the Auditor General of Canada and then the Canadian Public Sector Accounting Board. Mr. Naik has also spent time with the International Public Sector Accounting Standard Board.
He has a BCA and BA from Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand and is a Chartered Accountant with Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ). Outside of work Barry enjoys fitness, quality time with family and friends and is a long time volunteer with The Trevor Project.
Read an interview with Barry here.