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Who We Are

Transnational Auditors Committee

Established May 2000

The IFAC Transnational Auditors Committee (TAC) serves as the official link between IFAC and the Forum of Firms (FoF, Forum). It is broadly responsible for implementing and advancing the Forum's objectives and operations. It also plays a major role in encouraging Forum members to conduct high-quality international audits by requiring the commitment to comply with certain international standards as a condition of membership.

The TAC also supports audit quality by:

  • Identifying audit practice issues and making suggested recommendations to the appropriate standard-setting boards to review these issues as needed;
  • Providing a forum to discuss best practices in areas including quality management, auditing, independence, and training and continuing professional development;
  • Facilitating interaction among transnational firms, international regulators, financial institutions, and other stakeholders with regard to audit quality, systems of quality management, and transparency of international networks; and
  • Identifying qualified candidates to nominate to serve on the international standard-setting boards.
Key Contacts
  • Members

    Transnational Auditors Committee Members

    Christine Albrecht, Chair

    Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

    Ramzi Aloui PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
    Sheri Anderson KPMG International Limited
    Jean-Luc Barlet Mazars
    Bettina Cassegrain HLB International
    David Chitty Crowe Global
    Matthew Cook KPMG International Limited
    Stewart Dunne BDO
    Ed Fox Grant Thornton International Ltd
    Paul Ginman Nexia International
    Antoni Gómez Valverde AUREN
    Matthew Hallett PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
    Marion Hannon RSM International 
    Gary Hengelsberg Ernst & Young Global Limited
    Nick Jeffrey Baker Tilly International Limited
    David Kane Ernst & Young Global Limited
    Nazia Lakhani BDO
    Pablo San Martin SMS Latinoamérica
    Katherine Schamerhorn Grant Thornton International Ltd.
    Jill Starrs UHY International Limited


Forum of Firms

The Forum of Firms is an independent association of international networks of firms that perform transnational audits. The Forum's objective is to promote consistent and high-quality standards of financial reporting and auditing practices worldwide—bringing together firms that perform transnational audits and involving them more closely with IFAC’s activities in audit and other assurance-related areas. Forum members must demonstrate their commitment to adhere to and promote the consistent application of high-quality audit practices worldwide, as detailed in the Forum's Constitutionoperating procedures, and governance arrangements.

Key Contacts
  • Membership

    Forum membership is open to networks and firms of all sizes that:

    • Conduct, or have an interest in conducting, transnational audits;
    • Promote the consistent application of high-quality audit practices and standards worldwide;
    • Support convergence of national audit standards with the International Standards on Auditing issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board; and
    • Demonstrate commitment to the Forum's membership obligations as detailed below.
  • Membership Obligations

    Forum members commit to:

    • Maintaining quality management standards in accordance with the International Standard on Quality Management issued by the IAASB in addition to relevant national quality control standards;
    • Conducting, to the extent not prohibited by national regulation, regular globally coordinated internal quality assurance reviews;
    • Having policies and methodologies for the conduct of transnational audits that are based, to the extent practicable, on the International Standards on Auditing issued by the IAASB;
    • Having policies and methodologies that conform to the IESBA International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants and national codes of ethics; and
    • Agreeing to submit to the Secretary of the Forum an annual report, in an approved format, indicating that it meets the membership obligations set forth above.

    International networks of firms practicing under the same name or whose member firms are otherwise closely identified with one another, such as through common elements in their name, will be expected to join as one organization.

  • Members

    Members are those networks or firms that have satisfactorily submitted an annual report to the Transnational Auditors Committee indicating that they have met the Forum's membership obligations during the reporting period. Members shall be entitled to describe themselves as such in accordance with wording to be determined by the Forum.

    Current Members
    • AUREN
    • Baker Tilly International Limited
    • BDO
    • Constantin – Serval & Associés
    • Crowe Global
    • Daxin Global
    • Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
    • ECOVIS International
    • Ernst & Young Global Limited
    • FinExpertiza
    • Grant Thornton International Ltd
    • HLB International
    • IECnet
    • JPA International
    • KNAV International Limited
    • KPMG International Limited
    • Kreston Global
    • Kudos International 
    • Mazars
    • MGI Worldwide
    • Moore Global Network Limited
    • Nexia International
    • Parker Russell International
    • PKF Global
    • PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
    • Reanda International
    • RSM International 
    • RT ASEAN
    • Russell Bedford International
    • SFAI Global
    • SMS Latinoamérica
    • SW International
    • Talal Abu Ghazaleh & Co. International
    • TASK International
    • UHY International Limited
  • Affiliates

    Networks or firms interested in becoming members may participate in the Forum as affiliates during the period prior to their formal membership application. Affiliate status shall terminate upon the earlier of a) progression to full membership or b) three years from the date of acceptance by the TAC as an affiliate. Affiliates must undertake not to publicize their association with the Forum or their affiliate status on their websites, publications, and letterheads.